Classroom Management

 Creating a safe learning environment is key to educational success. Classroom management is the way in which a teacher maintains structure to encourage the most learning. Without effective classroom management, a teacher cannot give students a comprehensive learning experience. My management style is  centered around the community of the classroom. When students feel respected, welcome, and heard, they are less likely to be disruptive.

Classroom Management Plan:

Statement of Purpose:

Our classroom is a positive and safe learning environment that encourages diversity, respect, creativity, and cooperation. Every student will participate in their learning to achieve their full potential.


  1. Be Kind
  2. Do Your Best
  3. Never Give Up

Classroom Procedures and Routines:
For a more comprehensive look at procedures and routines, please see my Classroom Management Plan.

In the classroom where I student taught, the teacher had very clear expectations, routines, and procedures. Student behavior was managed through a check system. If a student fails to follow the classroom rules, they receive a check. The check system is simple but effective. Students know what behavior is expected, as well as the consequences for not meeting expectations.      

While student teaching, I implemented a weekly raffle to reward student behavior. At the end of each week, the students who had not received a check were given a raffle ticket. They wrote their names on the raffle ticket, and a name was drawn for a prize. Students could choose from special privileges, candy/chips, or the prize box.

In addition to weekly raffles, the school participated in Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS). While student teaching, my class was able to participate in the 5th grade student vs. teacher basketball game, and the upper grade dance. In May, students will be able to attend the much anticipated Mega Party!